

State Affairs Forum


Governor’s Cabinet and Lobbyist

Student Testimonials

Each year, we survey our student and adult participants after the State Conferences to gain feedback about our program and identify areas for improvement. The input we receive is extremely valuable.  Some student comments reflecting the impact of Texas Youth and Government are shown below.

“Throughout the course of human history, the achievements of those in power have been foreshadowed by their ambitions in youth. To deny an experience that will help me to join the future pantheon of America’s leaders would be irresponsible on my part.”
“I liked the opportunity to collaborate with students from across the state in creating a newspaper.”
“I first joined YG because of the government credit but I have returned twice because of the awesome opportunities available and because of how much fun I always have.”
“To be a citizen of the United States, it is important to understand how the government works. We need to be aware of how the government works so we can become involved as young adults. I first joined YMCA Youth and Government because I heard about it through a friend. I stayed in the club because I enjoyed the leadership and teamwork skills the club offers.”
“YG was a good experience in which I could learn hands-on about how the government works. I liked that I could encourage my friends to team up and do this together. I also liked that I met others in the program. We had the opportunity to set up our own club.”
“YG provides us with understanding of the government so we will be able to make informed decisions once we are able to vote.”
“I joined YG because I love debating and learning about politics.”
“I joined to get experience and to get a better understanding of how the court system runs.”
“YG is a cool way to learn about our government.”
“As we learn more about the workings of our government, which is by and for the people, we equip ourselves to fully participate in the system, understanding its relevance to our lives and the lives of our fellow Americans.”
“YG is a wonderful opportunity to show off and grow my leadership skills.”

Find Your Club: Get Started Today!

Exploring club opportunities at your school? Not sure if one exists? Submit an interest form, and we’ll connect you with the right person. If your school doesn’t have a club, we’re here to help you kick-start one! Let’s make your school experience even more enriching together.

Do you need assistance?

If you have a question or need any additional assistance, please fill out the form below! This will create a ticket in our system to let us know you need support. Once you submit, we will contact you shortly to help you. Thank you so much for your patience.

YMCA Texas Youth and Government Partners and Sponsors

Caddo Associates
Texas Bar Foundation